Sunday, October 16, 2011

It's a BOY!!!

This weekend was our first opportunity to find out what the new little CRUM would be. My sister in law found out she was pregnant this summer and I have been patiently waiting to find out what the sex would be.......... If you know me you know that I would have wanted pink, but I am happy to have a healthy baby boy coming in early March of next year.

Landon Heath will be here before we know it!!

Yes that is the grandpa to be sitting in his Rocking Chair that will be a special addition to Landon's Nursery. We have had this chair in the family for many many years. It has rocked several little ones to sleep, including myself.

Since we didn't know the sex until this party we decorated half pink half blue.

I love it!!! Everything you see here was purchased at Hobby Lobby. The plates and napkins and the signs up top were all on sale!!! HOLLA!!! The cookies were made from a local lady who does all our parties. They look great and taste even better!!

Cassie and Heath had ordered several dozen cupcakes that were frosted and then piped with the color of blue for everyone to bite into. The perfect way to celebrate an announcement of a birth!!

They were YUMMY!!!

Once bitten, the color couldn't be any more blue

While I was at school on Friday, Cassie sent me a text after their appointment. Here's what it said..


It was an amazing party, with lots of friends and family members there to celebrate the luckiest little boy!!! He already has some custom baby outfits made by the incredible 


 Find her on my facebook friends list.

Here are some more pictures of the party....

 I ran out of my white glitter, so I used cupcake sprinkles for the blue B!! No one ever knew!!!

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